Baby Weaning The Difficulties And Tips
Baby weaning is a process that often involves a bit of struggle on the part of the baby (and sometimes the parents, too.) Weaning your child off breastfeeding can be a challenge for both of you since it is not only a time for feeding but also a time for bonding and getting to be together. Most parents do struggle through this process somewhat but eventually; they realize the benefits of allowing their child to eat foods, as they will for the rest of their lives.
How to start weaning my baby?
Baby weaning is a process and it is one to start when the child is ready. Children will often need to breastfeed for several months. If you want them to go directly to solid foods, you may need to wait until they are at least a full year old when they can start drinking cow milk. Rather than force the child, start to supplement their diets with foods. For example, when a child is able to eat baby food, he or she will need less breastfeeding. Slowly, their diet will change to allow them to eat nothing more than standard food and no longer drink breast milk.
Many parents do go through some struggle when it comes to baby weaning. There is little doubt that at some point this process has to be complete. However, what is important is to ensure that you both are ready for the changes.
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Important Tips to keep in mind
- Be sure that baby is still getting snuggle time with mom.
- Do not sit in the same place that you used to when you were breastfeeding.
- Encourage them to eat big boy foods and to try new flavors of foods.
- If you are moving from breastfeeding to bottle-feeding, it is important to make the transition using breast milk especially at first.
- Distract the child if they ask for the breast. This is essential to do if they are getting the nutrients they need from their food but want the closeness of breastfeeding.
Baby weaning often takes a few weeks if not longer to go through. You should not push a child through the process but should be encouraged through it instead. Keep in mind that baby weaning is something that you have to decide on too. Some parents like to breastfeed longer and there really is no negative aspect of doing so.